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Born-Free Motorcycle Show
Auction Organizer:
Web Site:
Silverado, CA 92676
5305 E Santiago Canyon Rd
Sep 26, 2020 - Sep 27, 2020. 10am to 5pm
Mike Davis & Grant Peterson. Born-Free Show

Event Information
1000’s of Motorcycles, Invited Builders from around the globe, Vans Vert Ramp Skate Demo featuring some of the best skaters in the world, Ives Brothers Wall of Death, 100’s of Vendors, 8 bands on 2 stages, AMCA vintage Swapmeet, San Diego Customs FXR & Open Shows, Rusty Butcher Sportster Show, Pre Unit Show, Maiden Moto Art Show, Ugly Tattoo & Chili Dog Eating Contest & more... all going on inside the show grounds. We have a huge variety of food & drinks, it’s family friendly, we also have over 20 awards to be won, old & new motorcycle giveaways,ride in bike show ( all bikes welcome) and a lot more. Check out our website www.bornfreeshow.com for show info & follow us on Insta Gram @bornfreeshow for daily updates. ???????? Please help spread the word on the New Dates September 26th & 27th 2020 10am to 5pm. General Admission is $20. There is No presale on general admission. You simply park in the lot ( bike or car) and pay at the gate. Active or Retired Military with ID Free. Kids under 12 Free. If you want a “Ride In”Grass Pass Admission Band to Park ur bike inside the show grounds & become part of the show...go to our website to find out how to purchase. www.bornfreeshow.com